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Lost Ship V4

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Lost Ship V4... ()

Défoulez-vous avec un Shoot Them Up intersidéral ludique et portable !

Inverse Invaders ()

Inverse Invaders is a modern remake of the classic Space Invaders arcade game. The catch here is that you are not in control of the Earth defender ship, instead you control the numerous army of alien invaders! By clicking on an alien ship you order it to shoot. Each kind of invader has it's own shooting capability, so it's up to you to find out the best strategy to win the game. It's time for you to get in control of your invader army and show those Earthlings a lesson. Controls: Click on an alien ship or an UFO to shoot. Score: Hit defender ship with top Alien shoot: 5 points. Hit defender ship with middle Alien shoot: 20 points. Hit defender ship with bottom Alien shoot: 100 points. Hit defender ship with UFO shoot: recovers 2 aliens from your army.

Fission Balls (Facebook)... ()

Shoot the balls and keep them in the air. In this game there will be a ball falling for the top of the screen. You need to shoot it and then it will split. Shoot the split balls again so that they split further, you need to shoot the balls repeatedly so that there is at least one ball in the screen. After shooting a ball, it is possible that an item appears, you can move the ship to catch the item and you can either shoot faster, move faster or move slower. Occasionally asteroids will appear from the top, you need to move the ship away from the asteroids otherwise you cannot move for 1 second. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the ship, press the spacebar to shoot.

Lost Ship V4... ()

Jeux Action, Shoot them up, spatial. Combattez contre des hordes d'ennemis et des boss de fin de niveau impitoyables!

Varia 1.0 ()

Défoulez-vous avec cet excellent Shoot Them Up gratuit et addictif !

Asteroids ()

Use the arrows to move the ship and space or Ctrl to shoot. The goal is to destroy all the asteroids as fast as possible and complete all levels. Controls: arrows: move the ship Space or Ctrl: shoot

Earth Defender... ()

Earth Ship Fights Of Alien Battle ship. (Good for bored in class) Arrow keys to move left and right. Space bar to shoot. Dodge attacks and kill the aliens.

The Lost Ship... ()

Collect all parts to your ship using arrows Use arrows to move.

Balloony ()

Accumulate points by shooting down anything that flies, floats, glides whatever...this can be anything from hot air balloons, to black birds and even space ship\'s :) \r\nBut just be careful not to shoot down your own friends, you\'ll get to know who they are once you begin the game.... \r\n\r\nControls: Your mouse to aim and your left click to shoot.

Jetpac ()

The classic ZX Spectrum game converted to Flash . Jetman has crash-landed on a distant planet, with ledges suspended in mid-air and populated by various nasties, and he must escape and find his way home. Your first task is to retrieve each of the three parts of his spaceship, in order, and carry them over the base part. After this, you must collect enough fuel to be able to fly away, again by picking it up and dropping it over the ship (you don't have to actually make contact with the ship in doing this). Once you've filled the ship up, you can fly on to the next level, in which you must again refuel. Each level contains various bad guys, with different attack patterns you have a lazer to shoot them for points, and must avoid contact with them.

Estension ()

A ship of tears, sprouts lies, if you fill her up, you can break some hearts. Click to shoot, shoot the hearts till they explode for points, stay moist and score high for great success.

InterGalactic ()

In a far distant future... You have been assigned as the last and only hope in saving the Galaxy. The unknown enemy has destroyed all but a few outposts of the Human civilization. You have the latest technology in your space ship: a time reverser that can save you at the instance of death and throw you back through time, although there is only a limited amount of temporal energy to perform this three times, if we can build up more this will be sent to you. We have the very best working on upgrading your ship's weapons and satellite droids, which will be deployed to you en route. Shoot aliens, collect weapons, and score as much as you can!!! Shoot with ctrl and power shots with a hold ctrl Move with the arrow keys Launch/retract robo with the space-bar.

Space Bling... ()

Take a trip into space and mine huge asteroids for precious crystals and magical diamonds. Shoot space rocks with your highly advanced missile blaster. Collect Diamond Gems to earn bling points. Enjoy your space adventure as you mine jewels across 7 galaxies. Be sure to avoid the asteroids that you are mining because if you collide with one of these space rocks, your space ship will explode. Shoot Space Rocks and mine the magical jewels that are hidden from within the asteroids. Use your mouse to aim your gun, and use your keyboard arrow keys to fly the space ship.

Asteroids ()

Warp in a journey of virtual reality and protect yourself from the imminent danger you will find yourself in this legendary game! Destroy as many asteroids as possible! Press the Spacebar to either enter to shoot. Use the Left and Right arrow keys to turn the ship, and press the Up and Down arrow keys to move the ship forward. Enjoy!

Planet Hop... ()

Use gravity to propel your ship through over 20 levels of interplanetary travel. Encounter antigravstars, monsters, and more. When the game starts drop your ship anywhere under the dotted line. Your goal is to land on the planet with the green flag. Try to complete all 23 levels in as fast a time as possible. You can skip a level (right click) but a lot of time is lost. Good luck.

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