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[News] E3 : Line-Up Game Factory

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[News] E3 : Line-Up Game Factory... ()

L'éditeur russe Game Factory nous fait parvenir son line-up pour l'E3 2005 qui comporte peu de titres au final. On remarquera uniquement la présence de Jagged Alliance 3D mais à part ça, pas de quoi faire sauter le PCiste amateur de STR. Voici donc l(...)

E3 : Line-up Game Factory... ()

Tout en étant fiers d'annoncer que les préparatifs pré-E3 étaient terminés pour eux, les gens de chez Game Factory reviennent sur les jeux qu'ils présenteront. S'il n'y a pas de gros titres en perspective, ça vaut le coup de prendre rendez-vous :4th (...)

Game Factory présente ses jeux pour la Game Convention... ()

L'éditeur Game Factory vient de déplier son panel de titres présentés à la Game Convention, qui arrive dans très bientôt. Quatre jeux et autant de soft consacrés à la guerre sont à l'honneur : Officers, Jagged Alliance 3D, Warfare et Jagged Farm : Bi(...)

Line Bounder ()

Turn based strategy game, your aim is to reach enemy ground and stop him from reaching yours. It's an old school game in which you move by drawing a line. Your goal is to reach enemy ground. You are moving by drawing a line. You can move only by one square (vertical, horizontal, diagonal moves are allowed). You can't draw new line on existing line. If you end your move on point where another line ends, or a few other lines has a joint, you are able to perform another move. In this way you can do many moves in one turn, it's even possible to go cross all map by doing one huge combo. There are 5 modes of game depending on intelligence of your computer opponent.

E3 2006 Line-up Game Factory... ()

4th Battalion Glukoza : Action ! Jagged Alliance 3D Jagged Farm : Birth Of A Hero Officers Protivostoyanie Warfare Werewolves

sajilo line and dots... ()

Line and dots game play the classic line and dots game with out using pen or paper Choose the level that is number of cells you want to play with like 5X5 or 8X6 then click on the line that joins two dots

Firework Columns ()

Rearrange the virtual skies with bursts of colour! In this game columns of 3 firework bombs will fall down from the top of the screen, you need to arrange the bombs so that 3 or more bombs of the same colour form a straight line horizontally, vertically or diagonally. When a line is formed, the bombs will disappear and a firework launches. You have lost the game when the bombs pile up to the top of the screen. Enjoy the game!

Wii - Rune factory Frontier dévoile de nouvelles images... ()

Développé par Natsume et édité par Marvelous Entertainment, Rune Factory Frontier réapparait au travers de nouvelles images in-game. Vous pourrez en savoir et en voir plus dans cette >> news. A…

Marvelous : Line up E3 ()

Marvelous Interactive vient de devoiler son line uop pour l'E3. Rappelons que l'éditeur est plus connu en Europe sous le nom de Rising Star Games Avalon Code DS (1er trimestre 2009)Rune Factory: Frontier Wii  (1er trimestre 2009)LITTLE KING’S STORY Wii (Hiver 2008)VALHALLA KNIGHTS 2 PSP (Automne 2008)Populous DS (Automne 2008)KORG DS-10 (Automne 2008)Retro Game Challenge (Hiver 2008) ...

DragonBall Z ()

Excellent Dragonball Z fighting game, you can shoose a character among Goku, Picollo, Gohan, Freezer, Vegeta and Cell. This game must be played by 2 players on the same computer, the player one should use H, K, U to move and A, E, S, D, W to attack, and the player two should use the arrow keys to move and the 7, 8, 9, /, + keys to attack. The online game DragonBall Z is a free game to play on PC, Mac or Laptop computers. You can read the game comments below on DragonBall Z, which may contain cheats and tricks, cheat codes, tips and full game solutions. You can play DragonBall Z for free on Internet, or download this game on your computer to play it off-line.

14 jeux sur le PSN Nippon... ()

Famitsu annonce que 14 classiques PlayStation seront disponibles dès demain sur le Playstation Network Japonais :- Arc the Lad II (Sony)- Philosoma (Sony)- Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis Plus (Hamster)- Jigsaw World (Nippon Ichi)- Yaku Tou: Noroi no Game (Idea Factory)- Jiisan 2 Tabi Bikkuri: CG Mukashibanashi (Idea Factory)- Ikasama Mahjong (Idea Factory)- Lunatic Dawn III (Artdink)- A5: A Ressha de Gyouko u 5 (Artdink)- Metal Slug X (SNK Playmore)- Fatal Fury Real Bout (SNK Playmore)- Last Blade] (SNK Playmore)- Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition] (SNK Playmore)- Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage (SNK Playmore)Pour l'heure, aucun jeu PSone n'est encore accessible sur le réseau Européen. ...

Tetra Block Factory... ()

You are Sergey and you are hardly working for an extremely low eCPM in the Tetra Block Factory, Production Department, 3rd night shift. Your job is to continuously detect and fix defective tetra-blocks which will be delivered to the Tetris game. How much blocks can you fix before you make a mistake? Remember, the blocks are getting more and more defective and you only have the one chance ! Use your mouse to select and fix all defective blocks before they fall out of the conveyor belt.

Pizza King 2... ()

The new and improved popular restaurant management game. New improvement includes more auto features, beverage machine, a mini-game, takeout order hot line...

Firework Columns (Facebook)... ()

Launch fireworks by grouping them in lines of 3. In this game columns of 3 firework bombs will fall down from the top of the screen, you need to arrange the bombs so that 3 or more bombs of the same color form a straight line horizontally, vertically or diagonally. When a line is formed, the bombs will disappear and a firework launches. You lost the game when the bombs pile up to the top of the screen.

15/8 - [GC] Line-up Capcom... ()

Avec un catalogue aussi riche en hits, Capcom ne pouvait pas se permettre de louper la Game Convention. Voici d'ailleur son line-up.

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