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EndEffector 13.2000

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EndEffector 13.2000 ()

Shoot them up horizontal en 3D

Date, vidéo et images pour Söldner-X sur PC... ()

Dévoilé en août dernier, Söldner-X est un shoot them up à défilement horizontal comme les développeurs n'en font pratiquement plus. Il est l'oeuvre de SideQuest Studios et doit voir le jour sur PC ainsi [...]

E-Brid ()

Platforms: Java (J2ME) Version: 1.0.0E-BRID est un shoot' em up à défilement horizontal qui bénéficie des toutes dernières innovations techniques en matière de jeux mobile.Vous serez subjugué par les boss imposants qui terminent

Math Lines (Facebook)... ()

Destroy balls by adding to 10. In this game there will be lines of balls with numbers on them. You can shoot balls to add new balls to the line. When the balls you shoot and the balls beside it add up to 10, these balls will be destroyed. You can also destroy a group of same numbered balls with only one ball. When you destroy all the balls you can proceed to the next level. If the balls reach the hole, then you lose the game. Occasionally there will be coins that appear on the screen, you can shoot the coins to get the colors of the balls sorted for a while, it will be a lot easier. Use the mouse to control the direction of the shots and click to shoot. You can also press the space bar to swap between the ball to shoot and the next ball to shoot.

Armored Ashura ()

A horizontal side scrolling shooting game, with an unique boss and wide special weapon, this game has variety weapon, each has its own characteristic and special, please try it yourself Use mouse to shoot and move

PSP : [Calendrier] Metal Slug XX daté au Japon... ()

SNK Playmore a annoncé que Metal Slug XX, nouvel opus de la franchise reine du jeu de shoot en scrolling horizontal, serait disponible le 23 décembre au Japon.Remake revu et corrigé...

Fission Balls (Facebook)... ()

Shoot the balls and keep them in the air. In this game there will be a ball falling for the top of the screen. You need to shoot it and then it will split. Shoot the split balls again so that they split further, you need to shoot the balls repeatedly so that there is at least one ball in the screen. After shooting a ball, it is possible that an item appears, you can move the ship to catch the item and you can either shoot faster, move faster or move slower. Occasionally asteroids will appear from the top, you need to move the ship away from the asteroids otherwise you cannot move for 1 second. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the ship, press the spacebar to shoot.

L’expertise commerciale haut-de-gamme a un nom : HORIZONTAL Paris - HORIZONTAL Paris... ()

Un accompagnement de qualité pour les entreprises qui souhaitent augmenter leur chiffre d’affaires Horizontal Paris est une société d’expertise commerciale qui accompagne ses clients nationaux et internationaux dans l’augmentation de leur chiffre d’affaires par la prospection téléphonique (prise de(...)

Un shoot de Denis Lavant rend accro à Koffi Kwahulé... ()

Denis Lavant est comme un diablotin. On sait qu'il va sortir de sa boite et être propulsé au bout de son ressort, on a beau s'y attendre, on est toujours surpris. Et c'est ce qui se passe au Lavoir moderne parisien, où, rentré avant tout le monde, l'acteur fait salle comble en jouant seul la pièce de Koffi Kwahulé, « Big shoot ». en lire plus

Robobz ()

Action Packed Shooting adventure game. Use the mouse to shoot your cannon. Move RoboZ to touch or shoot the x to collect it. They are used to purchase upgrades. Shoot Missiles with the Shift Key, Bombs with the Control key, Use platforms with the R key. All once you have them! Move RoboZ withthe A, S, D keys. Space bar to Jump. Use W to fly when you have a jet pack. Kill all of the enemies, and make it through all of the levels. You are now ready to begin!

Bird Hunter... ()

Shoot more than 25 birds Rotate/aim with the arrow keys left and right. And shoot with the the key A

Targetmaster ()

Shoot all the targets on the screen without missing any! Click to shoot. (P to pause the game)

Cowbox ()

Shoot the boxes and don't let the sheriff touch the ground. Use mouse to shoot.

Basketball... ()

Shoot your ball in the moving basket as fast and accurate as you can. Use your mouse to point and shoot.

écran horizontal... ()

*Description :* Le joueur 6B, porteur de balle dans l’aile gauche, va bénéficier d’un écran horizontal, lui ouvrant ainsi le chemin vers le panier. Cet écran est-il légal ? A vous de juger ! x52xjl

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