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[Images] Ape Escape bientôt en Europe !

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[Images] Ape Escape bientôt en Europe !... ()

Déjà connu sous les titres Ape Escape : on the loose ou encore Ape Escape P, la chasse aux singes fous version PSP ...

Cabin Escape... ()

You’ve wake up in a cabin completely snowed in, and you have to escape before you die! There are four possible endings (Not ways to escape). (Five if you count dying as an escape) Point and Click to find objects to interact with other things in the cabin.

[Images] Jeu à l'affiche : Ape Escape 3 !... ()

Voici quelques images de plus d'Ape Escape 3, la suite des aventures de Satoru et Sayaka partis à la chasse aux ...

Allied Escape... ()

You just woke up in a room you never saw before. Investigate the room to get out as fast as you can! Allied Escape is an escape game from Use your mouse to search the room, find objects and hints and use them to escape the room!

Escape 3 : The Phonebooth... ()

Point and click escape game. In the Afro-Ninja escape series there is no plot, no story, no motive. With each installment you will wake up in a new location unaware of what has just happened. All you know is that you need to escape your confinement, and do it as fast as possible. Explore the area, pick up items to help, pay attention to clues, solve puzzles. Hints: Click everything, and everywhere. Some items can be combined or used with other items.

PSP : [Images] La coopération dans Final Escape 3... ()

Après deux épisodes sortis sur PlayStation 2, la série des Final Escape débarque sur la PlayStation Portable dans un tout nouveau soft intitulé S.O.S : The Final Escape 3. Le principe est...

Escape From Hartwell... ()

You are trapped in the most boring place on earth, Hartwell. In this adventure-escape game, you must escape a building using everyday objects.


Point and click type room escape game . In this game, you are locked in a room and you have to search around to find some objects and use it to escape this room. You must found a way to escape the room, search for objects and use it in intentory to escape the room.

[Images] Ape Escape 3 refait surface !... ()

L'excellentissime Ape Escape 3, dont nous vous avions présenté le test import cet été à l'occasion de sa sortie ...

PS3 : [Images] RE5 : Desperate Escape illustré... ()

La version longue de Resident Evil 5 continue de se dévoiler avec cette fois les premières images officielles de Desperate Escape, un chapitre dans lequel il sera possible d'incarner...

Hospital Escape... ()

You escaped the hotel lobby in Hotel Escape 3, but little did you know that you would be stuck in an operating room in a hospital. Use your mind to conquer puzzles and escape! Use the mouse to find items and navigate

[Images] Ape Escape : les singes tueurs venus d'ailleurs ...... ()

Malveillants au possible, les singes déjantés d'Ape Escape s'attaquent désormais au monde audiovisuel et ...

[Planning] Ape Escape Million Monkeys se précise !... ()

A la manière de l'excellent Ape Escape 3 l'an dernier, Ape Escape Million Monkeys sortira au mois de juillet ...

Le plein d'images pour Escape From Paradise City... ()

Escape From Paradise City se dévoile un peu plus au travers de cette imposante série d'images. Développé par le studio danois Sirius Games, le titre est un mélange de jeu de rôle action matiné d'un soupçon [...]

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