Actualités Noms de domaine > WIPO offers new tool for analysis of UDRP trends

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WIPO offers new tool for analysis of UDRP trends

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet : : UDRP Panelists at CAC... ()

The Czech Arbitration Court ( is finalizing the implementation of its new on-line UDRP platform. It will start accepting UDRP... : UDRP Commentaries... ()

Gerald M. Levine, Esq., writes a blog which focuses on domain name jurisprudence and UDRP cases. You can visit it at UDRP Commentaries...

Bookmarks du 08/16/2008... ()

What Advantage Do You Have? An older method of context analysis, called SWOT analysis, allows the business to gain an insight into their strengths and weaknesses and also the opportunities and threats posed by the market within which they operate.The older method of SWOT analysis does not apply to the context analysis of social networks because [...]

Google Trends for Websites, encore un Made In Google... ()

Dans sa campagne acharnée à être sur tous les marchés, Google sort un comparateur de sites internet : Google Trends for Websites. Dans la lignée de Google Trends, il va permettre de comparer graphiquement des sites entre eux. Google Trends est le service de Google qui permet de comparer la popularité des certains mots. Google Trends [...]

Google Trends Labs... ()

Toute nouvelle version de Google trends, avec historique, comparaison de termes, tout ça. Le post sur le Blog de Google: Le nouveau Google Trends: Forum Google : l'entreprise, les sites web, les services

Track in real time the A H1N1 flu trends (Occasional article)... ()

Occasional article – Tracking tool for the A H1N1 flu developed by Google. We’ve found that certain search terms are good indicators of flu activity. Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data to estimate current flu activity around the world in near real time. Each week, millions of users around the world search for health information [...]

Solution Architect... ()

Ericsson is a world leading provider of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network operators globally. Present in 140 countries, we are one of the few companies worldwide that can offer end-to-end solutions for all major mobile communications standards. Ericsson Hub Senegal hosts the group’s activities across 16 countries located in Western and Central Africa, managing and developing business opportunities. Such a growth has led to an immediate and urgent requirement for the business to recruit the best, most talented and most dynamic individuals. We are currently looking for a Solution Architect. This position is located in Dakar. Your main responsibility is to ensure that all deliveries to customers, which also include documents, solutions proposal, offers, etc., are made in a professional way from a solution point of view, all in order to get satisfied customers and secure profitability. In this context, you are in charge of: - Managing customer’s requirements and expectations from pre-sales through to the implementation stages of the project; - Performs intelligence acquisition and analysis on market trends, competitors, etc. - Leads and performs advisory studies and pre studies - Participates in customer projects, handling scope, risks, changes and customer expectations - Together with the SI CPM identify scope and cost estimations - Supports the market and sales organization as an expert in the solution portfolio. - Taking full tech...

Découvrir les mot clefs de ses concurrents avec Google Trends... ()

Google vient d'ajouter une fonction de mesure d'audience à dans Google Trends. Accéder à l'outil Après avoir fait une recherche ?normale? dans Google Trends, un onglet ?websites' apparait à coté de l'onglet ?searches'. Quand on est identifié dans Google Trends, on voit apparaitre une échelle dans le graphique. C'est très précis. Quelques usages très très intéressants Connaitre de manière assez [...]

Google Trends pour les Sites Web : le trafic des sites... ()

Beaucoup connaissent déjà Google Trends qui permet d'avoir une indication sur les recherches de Google ou le [url=]Google Hot Trends[/url]. Il est maintenant possible d'avoir une indication pour les Sites Web. ... Forum Google : l'entreprise, les sites web, les services

FVC analyses packets... ()

Network and security VAD FVC has been chosen as a representative for Middle East by Traffic analysis and optimization tool vendor Packet Design. FVS will distribute Packet Design products in the whole region through its offices in Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates...


Month-end process: soft-forecasts, variance analysis to budget/forecasts, accrual reviews, forex impact analysis Work closely with finance team on revenue projections and analysis for the Company Responsible for issuing meaningful and added-value financial information Participate to key financial projects as needed Provide help to other members in the team as needed

Job offers ()

To access the job offers, click here. - Alumni

Google Search-based Keyword Tool : outil de recherche de mots-clés... ()

Google vient de sortir encore un nouvel outil de recherche de mots-clés, intitulé Google Search-based Keyword Tool. Destiné principalement aux utilisateurs des campagnes de liens sponsorisés AdWords, cet outil est très utile également pour les stratégies de mots-clés du référencement naturel, en complément de Google Insights for Search ou Google Trends. Article publié sur WebRankInfo (communauté du référencement) par Olivier Duffez (consultant référencement)

Noms de domaine et cybersquattage, par Manuel Roche, Juriste... ()

Selon un récent communiqué émanant de l'OMPI, les cas de cybersquatting (ou cybersquattage) ayant donné lieu à des plaintes en vertu des principes directeurs concernant le règlement uniforme des litiges relatifs aux noms de domaine (principes UDRP) ont augmenté de 8% en 2008. Bien connus des titulaires de droits de marque cherchant à défendre leur titre sur Internet, les principes UDRP instaurent notamment des procédures de règlement des litiges applicables devant des organismes tels le Centre d'arbitrage et (...)

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