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Firefox market share: recent worldwide numbers

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About Firefox market share... ()

Net Applications has published recent data: Firefox Share Tops 20% for November. Ken 'Da Numerator' Kovash has the scoop: Firefox Surpassing 50% Market Share in More Regions. As usual, statistics need to be taken with a grain of salt. If there is one thing we can take for sure from all these numbers, it's that Firefox usage is growing everywhere (I can hear Mozillian cheer all over the world while chairs are flying in Redmond). Asa has a great comment on this: The Web is a large and massive thing and it's very difficult to get it moving in a new direction. Once it gets moving in one direction, it's got a momentum that's difficult to alter. It's not impossible, it's just difficult and either extraordinary circumstances (Netscape and Microsoft) or extraordinary effort (Mozilla) are required. It's rare that any one entity has caused a major shift in velocity of the web. Mozilla, having effected a real change in that velocity with Firefox, is acting differently than the other two examples because Mozilla's mission is not to try to consolidate control and become the sole determiner of the direction for the Web, but rather to help more people and projects (and yes, even other browsers) play a much bigger part in determining where this thing goes than they've been able to in the past. Let me simplify his last sentence, because I think it sums up pretty well what Mozilla is about: Mozilla's mission is to help more people and projects (and yes, even other browsers) play a much...

Browsers are hot again! ()

That's the title of a recent blog post by my colleague Nicole, about a recent panel over at the Churchill Club, who has received some coverage by TechCrunch, Infoworld and Cnet. Like Nicole wrote: The overall theme through the coverage was the feeling of increased competition Indeed. What strikes me is that 5 years ago, it was just the opposite, as Internet Explorer was enjoying a monopolistic 90% market share. Things have changed with Firefox, just over 4 years ago. At the time, anyone who thought that a tiny not-for-profit organization with a handful of employees would challenge the Redmond monopoly would be at best considered as a fool. I know, I vividly remember people kindly smiling at me back then! ) Browser market share in Germany (Oct/Nov. 2008) I was thinking of this when I saw recent data from Germany[1], where Firefox has reached 38.4% market share (version 2 and 3 combined). IE 7 is at 37% and IE 6 at 17%. The data, courtesy of Fittkau & Maass[2] dates back from October and November 2008. The firm thinks that 2009 could be the year where Firefox reaches market leadership. Considering the recent Nielsen report stating that Mozilla is the fastest growing brand in Germany followed by Youtube, not mentioning the upcoming and promising Firefox 3.1 version, I think it's definitely doable! Notes [1] Thanks for the link, Barbara! [2] Rough automated translation available

Firefox dépasse les 50% dans certains pays... ()

Selon Net Application, en novembre Firefox a dépassé les 20% de part de marché au niveau mondial, et même les 50% dans au moins 3 pays : Indonésie, Macédoine et Solvenie. Le navigateur est aussi en passe de franchir cette barre de 50% dans d'autres pays : Pologne, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Slovaquie, Finlande et Philippines. Voir les détails sur ce billet de Ken.

Firefox market share in Europe... () has recently published an English version of their latest browser market share study, which credits Firefox with 28% of the European market Firefox market share in Europe, January 2008, according to XitiMonitor One must try to see further than just the average number of 28%. While being quite high (certainly higher than what I hoped back when Firefox 1.0 was launched 3 years ago!), it hides the complexity of Europe, which gives very different numbers from The Netherlands (14.7%) to Finland (45.4%). Rupert Goodwins, over at his blog, writes Europe: endless speculation about Firefox . I am myself speculating quite a bit on this (after all, I want Firefox and Thunderbird to succeed in all countries in Europe), and I have a few thoughts, as I spend quite a bit of my time traveling from country to country, visiting communities working on Firefox in Europe. In the future, I hope to be able to document how Mozilla-related local communities work, so that other people interested in this can think about all the reasons for this diversity. Stay tuned! Anyway, the Xiti report has generated quite a bit of press coverage! See below: UK: PCPro and PCAdvisor Germany: TecChannel Italy: VNUnet Austria: ComputerWelt US: Wired France: and VNUnet

Firefox: 20% more active users in 6 months... ()

Ken Kovash, over at the Metrics blog posts some significant information: we?ve surpassed 60 million active daily users. But Ken also links to a post by John Lilly dated January 2008, which mentioned that we had passed the 50 million active daily users[1]. If I read this right, we have gained 10 million active daily users in just 6 months, moving from 50 million to 60 million. Firefox has gained 20% active daily users in just 6 months, which is nothing short of amazing Now the Web is growing, but Firefox is growing faster that the Web itself, meaning that we're gaining market share in percentage. And wait 'til we ship Firefox 3: I'm betting that Firefox adoption will accelerate! Notes [1] For more details on market share, active daily users and active monthly users, please refer to John' post, Mozilla & Firefox market share.

5 years of Firefox party in Paris... ()

Earlier this week, Firefox turned 5 years old. The press coverage here in Europe has been amazing. We were lucky enough to have John Lilly with us on this day, so we organized a party with 700 people in Paris. 5 years of Firefox cake. Other pictures from Richard Ying. Picture used under CC-BY-NC-SA license. A couple of my colleagues have blogged about this, so I'll just link to them instead of repeating what they've wrote: Mike Shaver : five by five, in the pipe ; Mitchell Baker : Firefox Turns 5 ; Ken Da Numerator Kovash : Firefox Hits 25% Market Share on its Birthday ; Chris Blizzard : 5 years of Firefox ; Marco Zehe : Happy birthday, Firefox! ; Official blog : Celebrating Five Years of Firefox! ; About:Mozilla : Five years of Firefox, 25% market share, and more? ; A few people have taken pictures. Here they are: Jean Jacques Peters (hosted on my Flickr account) Richard Ying : 5 ans de Firefox : longue vie au panda roux ; Ludovic Hirlimann

Firefox market share update... ()

XitiMonitor has published a couple of days ago a new report about Firefox' market share in Europe, approaching 28%. Like I told ZDNet UK, "It's a nice way to get started on a Monday morning!" Firefox market share in Europe, July 2007. Source: One could argue over statistics for ever. I have met with the Xiti team a few months ago to get a better understanding of what they measure. Basically, they have what they call markers (actually small images) on literally millions of Websites, mostly in Western Europe. This means they get billions of hits every month, and then analyse which browser engine were used to display these images. There are a few caveats, as always, in such measurements: What they call Firefox is actually gecko-enabled browsers (mostly Firefox, but also Seamonkey, Epiphany and K-meleon); They measure hits, not visitors. There is a difference, in the sense that Firefox users are generally more advanced than IE users (they know what a browser is, and how to download and install software). Also, I understand that Firefox users are generally more likely to spend time online and visit more Websites. To sum things up, XitiMonitor tracks "Gecko usage" more than "Firefox users". Both are correlated, but not identical. And both indicators are consistently going upwards (Thanks Percy for the graphs!) In some countries such as Slovenia, Firefox has passed Internet Explorer. Gerv even wants to launch a 'Hug a Slovenia...

Traduction de "The size of the worldwide 'bond market' is estimated at $45 trillion. The size..."... ()

Traduction anglais-français de : The size of the worldwide 'bond market' is estimated at $45 trillion. The size of the 'stock market' is estimated at about $51 trillion. The world derivatives market has been estimated at about $300 trillion. [1] The major u. S. Banks alone are said to account for about $100 trillion.

Democrats use a Mac ()

Very interesting. I knew Apple market shares doubled within the last year, but I didn't know of such a difference between states. As this chart shows [source Net Applications], this Apple market share map mimes the split between Republicans and Democrats making the point: Democrats uses Apple.In California and New York, Apple has more than 12% market share, twice the national average and up to 15% in vacation spots, Hawaii and, will MacWorld next week be a boost for Obama and Hillary? And which of the two is the biggest Mac user? ;-)

A couple of recent milestones for Mozilla... ()

Yesterday, Firefox turned four. At the time, we were very proud to release a piece of software in a dozen languages. It was indeed quite an achievement, but we're now heading to a release of Firefox 3.1 in more than 60 langages 700 millions downloads (on Nov 3rd) (we know that downloads is not the most meaningful metric, but it's still impressive when we think about it). Mozilla surpasses 20% worldwide maket share. In just 4 years, things have changed tremendously in the browser space: more innovation, more players. Overall, the Web is in a much better shape than before, and the outlook is much more positive. One should remember that in 2003, anybody building Web sites made them exclusively for Internet Explorer, a browser which was not maintained at the time. How things have changed since then! In places like Spain, France, Germany and Poland, Firefox is used by 30 to 40% of Internet users[1] In just 4 years, Mozilla has demonstrated a few key things: Open-Source / Free-Software can put into the hands of users high quality desktop applications Building a sustainable not-for-profit organization is possible People care about browsers and the Web and are ready to step up and help to shape the on-line future Now, a lot needs to be done by Mozilla (and this is just an incomplete list): Articulate better what is Mozilla as a movement, and where it's going Keep making progress on the desktop, now that competition is back Show relevance in the Mobile market Lead on the...

Firefox progress in Europe... ()

Firefox market share in Europe, source: Firefox market share in Europe, source : 3 pieces of news have just appeared on my radar, all of them related to Firefox success in Europe: According to Xiti, Firefox is getting close to 29% in Europe. The increase is 4.5 percentage points on the past 12 months. I suppose Xiti is going to publish an English version of their study soon, like they usually do. In the meantime, today is a great opportunity to dust off your rusty French According to Gemius (, Firefox 2 is now the leading browser version in Hungary. It passed IE 6 last week. Internet Explorer, all versions combined, is still the leading browser. Gandalf has more details. Also according to Gemius (, Firefox 2 passed IE 6 this week in Poland, at 34.7%. IE is still leading the market if we combine both all versions. Here is an excerpt I've sent earlier today to the team, who's leading the localization and promotion efforts in Poland, explaining why it's good news: It's good for Firefox and the Mozilla project, demonstrating that we have the ability to ship a great product, useful to millions of users It's good for the FLOSS movement, as we demonstrate the ability for such technology to beat the proprietary approach, including its most powerful representative, Microsoft. It's good for the Web. IE 6 is less and less used, and better, more standards-compliant browsers are replacing it. Thanks to better brows...

Is Yahoo twice its value now?... ()

Barron's is bringing a very good point. While Google is suffering of concerns on the online advertising market, real concerns or just seasonal panics, Yahoo! is under the shelter of Microsoft offer at $31 a share. If Sir Microsoft was not here, Yahoo!, following the same trend, would be in the $15 range...So, is Microsoft missing a great discount deal here? can they send some mixed message like a market adjustment, saying they are ready to pay a premium of a couple of percent and thus, at a revised valuation their new offer is now at $20 a share? after all, it's just a $14B adjustment... why not give it a shot'

A $17B report ()

In this very nervous market, every piece of information, not read the right way, can have disastrous effect.Last week, comScore reported a 8% decrease in paid click per search query, in January vs December. Immediate market reaction was a $55 drop per share over two nervous sessions. This means a $17B drop in Google valuation. Reading straight numbers from comScore is a dangerous exercice. So dangerous, even comScore's CEO had to make some explaination [good article from Forbes here]Google did introduce a quality factor that simply translate in raising the bar for paid clicks to be displayed, producing higher paid clicks. All in all, quality vs quantity. So, do people invests in a number of clicks or in a company financial performance?comScore's CEO statement makes the point, reading numbers requires caution before action and, if you ask me, at $471 Google is a bargain theses days... ;-)

Green Investing?The Gold Rush... ()

Green investing is growing up. Previously the province of a small number of investors who chased an even smaller number of companies, the market for environmental technology has expanded dramatically in recent years. And it has captured investors’ wallet share along the way. Inflows into green funds totaled $766 million for the year ending May [...]

Question to Frederic Dumeny VP business development AdFonic (mobile advertising)... ()

What can you tell about Adfonic' Adfonic is a self service global mobile advertising exchange. Advertisers and their agencies can bid for advertising on mobile sites and apps, creating a new revenue stream for mobile publishers. Adfonic's self-service mobile advertising marketplace addresses the advertising community?s increased demands for sophisticated campaign management and maximises the earning potential for a new generation of mobile internet sites and applications worldwide. What's your recent news' Adfonic will be launching on Wednesday 1st July 2009 offering existing and new advertisers and publishers a better mobile advertising service. With Adfonic, advertisers and publishers alike will benefit from the most advanced targeting capabilities in the market, detailed web-based real-time reporting and analytics, and an intuitive user experience. How can you differentiate in a very competitive market' First and foremost, Adfonic has developed a new world class next generation mobile advertising platform, built to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The platform was designed and developed by some of the leading product marketing and technology people in Europe and USA. Secondly, we are the first home grown European self-service mobile advertising marketplace. That's good news for publishers and advertisers. The market intelligence we've gathered indicates that the competition has...

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