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Jump cherche un maître

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Platformer, featuring an active little monkey. Jump jump. Jump off walls and avoid dangerous objects. Arrow keys to move and jump. Collect the Red Gem to progress.

Tribal Jump ()

Jump from one skull to another. Use your MOUSE select an angle and power. Once satisfied, LEFT CLICK to jump.

jump up ()

Trying to jump over a wall to come closer the target. Put Mouse in front of guy to make him run. Click to Jump UP. Try to land on triangle.

Chiens : gentil pinscher nain cherche maitre... ()

je m'appelle caramel je suis très gentil et calin je cherche un maitre.

Maitre et chien ()

Il n'y a rien de plus gentil qu'un petit chien n'est-ce pas' Vous êtes le maître, c'est votre chien la vie est belle jusqu'à…

Polar Jump... ()

Help the little squirrel to jump from glacier to glacier and reach home, avoiding the dangerous animals along the way. The squirrel goes glacier gallivanting in this sequel to the popular Tribal Jump game. You have to help this squirrel to reach his home somewhere in the polar ice caps, as soon as you can. Make him jump from glacier to glacier while dodging animals along the way.Use your Mouse to control the direction and power of the jump. When you are ready to go, Left Click to make the squirrel jump. Be careful and avoid falling down into the freezing waters below or you will lose your life. Collect as many spear heads as possible to maximize your score.

Save me 3... ()

Your objective is to help people/objects in the burning building jump to safety to the nets held by the firemen or police below. People/objects can jump out the window by clicking on them. Watch the time below the windows - the people/objects need to jump before it reaches zero. Bonus points are awarded for jumping on animals that may be walking on the pavement below! Controls: Mouse click. Single click for a small jump. Double click for a medium distance. And triple click for a long distance jump.

Drunken Rabbit 2 ()

Jumping drinking rabbit on the snow. Use your mouse to aim the jump of the rabbit. Click close to your rabbit to jump less. More drink in one jump = higher score + multidrik bonuses.

Ginex ()

Semi-retro jump and run game of the famous russian hip-hop crew Ginex with free download song at the end! Play all the Ginex members, use arrows to jump and run, space to throw Vodka bottles and jump on enemies heads to kill them.

Jump It ()

Jump on the red block to continue gaining score. The blocks will get smaller and spread out from each other. Your friction will randomly decrease making it even harder. Press up to start, then keep your jump going by landing on the red squares. While they get further apart and smaller and the friction decreases. Once you hit the bottom a second time you loose.

Jump ()

Try to get across the water by jumping from boat to boat. For bigger boats jump on the flashing platforms. Small boats will sink if you stand on them for too long! Controls: Mouse click and hold to aim and adjust power, release mouse button to jump.

Kriss Kross - Jump ()

Kriss Kross - Jump Added by: PeteRock Tags: Kriss Kross Jump Date: 2010-01-11 [...] Voir la suite de l'article sur Actualité blog

Chiens : Café chien Berger croisé Husky... ()

Café est un grand chien affectueux qui cherche un nouveau maître qui est un jardin clôturé pour pouvoir jouer et courir Il est vacciné et pucé mais ne supporte pas ma nouvelle situation dans un 2 pièces en ville Si vous recherchez un compagnon sympa, adoptez-le ! Merci.

Jump Super Anime Tour : Quelques précisions.... ()

Pour fêter les 40 ans du Shônen Jump et le Jump Super Anime Tour se déroulera dans 10 villes à travers le Japon cet automne et le n°28 du Shônen Jump nous dévoile le programme des OAVs qui seront diffusé. Bleach verra l’adaptation d’une histoire comique qui n’est pas dans le manga. Blue Dragon verra l’apparition d’un [...]

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Formation au referencement
Formation au référencement par les spécialistes en référencement de Ranking Metrics : conférence le matin, atelier pratique l'après-midi.

Formation au referencement