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Désigne l'achat ou l'approvisionnement de petits matériels via Internet. L'e-procurement était à l'origine cantonné aux "petits achats" de type crayons ou papier, mais il tend aujourd'hui à se généraliser aux approvisionnements plus lourds.

Le service achats de l'entreprise utilise un logiciel d'e-procurement pour gérer ses achats sur Internet.

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Prévisualisation fournie par Thumbshotse-procurement Langue du site de destination : Français


Auteur Michel Vernet : Nouveaux objets

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  • New public procurement innovation advice from Office of Government Commerce
    The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) has launched a new pamphlet to provide guidance to those working in government on how they can utilise its £175bn of purchasing power to drive both buyer and supplier innovation in the procurement process. The new pamphlet, “Driving innovation through public procurement“, challenges departments to look at innovation as a [...]
  • Public procurement training by the United Nations
    UNDP offers specialized procurement training courses. Courses are also open to staff of the UN system, the donor community, NGOs and governments. Standard Procurement Training Courses UNDP offers the following procurement training and professionalisation courses on a regular basis: - Fundamentals of Public Procurement - Procurement Strategy Development - Contract and Supplier Relations Management - Logistics and Incoterms - Risk Management in [...]
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  • EU assesses the use of e-procurement in Europe
    The European Commission is launching an on-line survey to find out more about the actual experience of businesses and public purchasers with electronic public procurement (”e-procurement”). This will provide essential information for an evaluation which is taking place on the effective up-take of e-procurement across the EU. In particular the evaluation will assess how well the [...]
  • Second public procurement for vehicles for Bulgarian border police to start
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  • Charities Q&A : public procurement, contracts and grants
    In the latest in a series of pieces giving legal advice to the voluntary sector, Julian Blake, a partner, and Philippa Hart, a solicitor at Bates Wells and Braithwaite solicitors, answer questions on procurement, contracts and grants. What is procurement and what has it got to do with charities' Lawyers use “procurement” to describe the process by [...]
  • FAQ on the Communication on Green Public Procurement (GPP) in EU
    The European Commission has put forth the communication on Green Public Procurement (GPP) to the EU Council and the European Parliament. Here, we present answers to some of the salient issues regarding GPP. 1) What is Green Public Procurement' Green Public Procurement is the process by which public authorities seek to reduce the environmental impact of the [...]ShareThis
  • EU Commission assesses the use of electronic procurement in Europe
    The European Commission is launching an online survey to find out more about the actual experience of businesses and public purchasers with electronic public procurement (”e-procurement”), the press service of the European Commission informs. This will provide essential information for an evaluation which is taking place on the effective up-take of e-procurement across the EU. In [...]
  • Turkey : Public procurement rises 69 pct in 2007
    Public services and commodity procurements increased in 2007 by 69 percent over the previous year to hit YTL 66 billion, according to Public Procurement Authority (K?K) statistics released yesterday. The K?K date says government bodies and public enterprises held 178,944 procurement tenders last year. The Health Ministry held the most tenders, completing 41,618 procurement contracts. The [...]

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