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Fresenius Medical Care

 Dans l'actualité

  • Hausse des profits de Fresenius Medical Care
    Le numéro un mondial des équipements de dialyse FMC, Fresenius Medical Care, enregistre une hausse de ses bénéfices au troisième trimestre et se montré confiant pour 2007.[...]
  • Cliniques : Fresenius Medical Care débourse 1,5 milliard d'euros pour acquérir Helios Kliniken
  • Manor Care racheté par Carlyle pour 4,9 milliards de dollars
    Manor Care devient le plus important fournisseur de services de santé à être sorti de la cote par un fonds de private equity.[...]
  • Materiel medical Plus
    Vente et location de matériel médical pour le handicap et le confort médical[...]
  • Care, une nouvelle marque Delhaize
    Le groupe Delhaize lance une nouvelle marque propre dans ses supermarchés européens (Belgique, Luxembourg, Allemagne, Grèce, Roumanie). Après Delhaize, 365 et Bio, voici Delhaize Care.[...]
  • Windows Live One Care en promotion...
    Windows live one care est actuellement proposé à l'achat pour les bêta testeurs au tarif de 19,95€ pour un an et trois postes au lieu de 49,95€ soit plus de 60% d'[...]
  • Are hospitals really safe?
    Now that we have access to more information about health care and what goes on inside a hospital, what should we be most worried about' How do human errors prevent us from getting the best possible health care when we do have access to fabulous diagnostic tools and intelligent health care professionals' But This week, I found 3 articles giving scary details about medical errors done in hospitals. Do you know that according to various estimations, the number of preventable deaths caused each year by medical errors in American hospitals alone range from 98,000 to 195,000? And here are some causes of these medical errors. Last week, the Baltimore Sun wrote that flaws in medical coding can kill, adding that FDA officials think that the spread of computers creates new dangers. The next day, Penn researchers released a study stating that they've identified flaws in the barcoded technology used to reduce medication administration errors. And today, Technology Review reports that the interoperability of medical devices could make hospitals safer, meaning it's not safe today. Scary stories... [(Update: July 10, 2008) One of my alert readers told me that the two first sentences of this post were unclear. So I've rewritten them.]
  • KinderGarten
    You might have babysat once or twice in your life, but have you ever thought of running an entire day care center? We bet you haven't! Kindergarten is a fun-filled, colorful and interactive management game were you play Mila, the super sweet owner of the day care center. You have to help Mila take care of the babies that get dropped off by their mommies! Make sure that you take good care of the babies and that you keep them happy. Not only is this very important for the babies, but it will also earn you money! Once you earn money, you can start buying all kinds of wonderful things to upgrade your day care center! With your earnings you will also be able to hire people to assist you and increase your day care center in size! Are you ready for this baby-driven challenge?
  • Senate Finance Committee
    Score big bucks for making the health care, insurance and pharmaceutical companies happy, but watch out for the dreaded health care reform legislation! Move the mouse to collect as much money as possible from lobbyists while avoiding Health Care Reform bills.
  • Baby Care
    Baby Caren n n n Baby Care, jeu de fille où tu dois t'occuper des bébés dans une [...] Voir la suite de l'article sur Actualité blog
  • Reportage sur Link Care Services
    Ci-après un reportage diffusé dans le Magazine de la Santé sur Link Care Services où l’on présente le système : le service à la fois dans sa déclinaison Link Care Solutions (pour les établissements), et dans sa déclinaison Link Care Services (pour accompagner les patients atteints de maladie d'Alzheimer et leurs aidants). > Voir la fiche de Link [...]
  • Nanorobots to improve health care
    Using nanorobots to deliver drugs and fight diseases is not a new idea. Of course, nanorobots floating inside our bodies to improve our health are still years away. However, an international team of American and Australian researchers is developing a nanorobot hardware architecture for medical defense. They have developed a nanorobot control design (NCD) software which helps them to simulate the behavior of these future nanorobots. Their 3-D approach shows 'how nanorobots can effectively improve health care and medical defense and should enable innovative real time protection against pandemic outbreaks.' But read more...

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Formation au referencement
Formation au référencement par les spécialistes en référencement de Ranking Metrics : conférence le matin, atelier pratique l'après-midi.

Formation au referencement