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Nec Computers

 Dans l'actualité

  • Navigator W511 chez Rover Computers
  • Can computers really read manuscripts'
    Using computers to read handwritten symbols has been done before. But now, researchers in Barcelona, Spain, have developed a system more efficient and reliable than currently existing ones. Their BSM system -- an acronym for 'Blurred Shape Model' -- has been designed to work with ancient, damaged or difficult to read manuscripts, handwritten scores and architectural drawings. And apparently, it works. It has been able to recognize musical notes in handwritten partitions with an exactness of over 98%.
  • Can computers sort data like humans'
    According to U.S. researchers, it is possible to train computers to discover trends and order in large datasets like we do since our childhood. The new algorithm, which was developed at the MIT, may impact the field of artificial intelligence. This model can help computers recognize patterns like we do. 'Instead of looking for a particular kind of structure, we came up with a broader algorithm that is able to look for all of these structures and weigh them against each other,' said one of the scientists. Besides helping scientists to analyze large amounts of data, this algorithm could also be used to discover how the human brain finds patterns. But read more...
  • Stylisé, petit, silencieux : NVIDIA et Fujitsu Siemens Computers présentent le PC domestique parfait.
    Le GPU NVIDIA GeForce 9200 est le c ur du PC AMILO Desktop Si 3535. THEALE, UK 24 NOVEMBRE 2008 NVIDIA présente son processeur graphique GeForce 9200 qui apporte d’excellentes performances au nouveau PC de Fujitsu Siemens Computers, l’AMILO Desktop Si 3535. Que ce soit pour monter ses films personnels, gérer [...]
  • Nec Computers : les élus demandent des mesures de "revitalisation"
    La mairie PS d'Angers et la présidence UMP du conseil général du Maine-et-Loire ont annoncé la tenue lundi d'une réunion de crise après l'annonce par le groupe japonais NEC Computers de la suppression de 334 emplois dans l'usine angevine. Dès lundi, une réunion de crise (...) se tiendra en...
  • Wizkid robot unveiled at MoMA
    On February 24, 2008, a new exhibit will open at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), Design and the Elastic Mind. And until May 12, 2008, you'll be able to interact with Wizkid, which looks like a computer, but is really a robot. As said the European researchers behind this project, 'with its social skills and physical presence, Wizkid introduces the simplicity of everyday interactions in the world of computers.' You will not need to learn any language or type anything on a keyboard, Wizkid will understand you. Wizkid 'introduces the simplicity of everyday interactions in the world of computers.' But read more...
  • Nec Computers - Denis Gallon
    NOMINATION Précédemment directeur des ventes et du marketing pour l'Europe de l'Ouest chez Itronix - un constructeur de terminaux mobiles professionnels -, Denis Gallon a rejoint Nec Computers. il devient responsable du développement des ventes Emea pour les nouvelles solutions...

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