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Web 2.0 Thinking Game

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet :

Web 2.0 Thinking Game... ()

Quand Jeffrey Zeldman parle du web 2.0 cela donne Web 2.0 Thinking Game....

Topsy Turvy ()

Select clusters of three balls. Clear as many balls as possible. A game of quick thinking where players must clear the game board full of colorful game pieces before time runs out. This game has a real twist. The game board rotates, causing the game pieces to tumble around, creating an entirely new game environment every time!

[Matériel] IP Thinking propose un PDAPhone Skype... ()

La société danoise IP Thinking a présenté un modèle de terminal mobile hybride. Son nom est IP-Thinking VoIP Phone. Il est intermédiaire entre un téléphone sans fil classique et un PDAPhone (combinaison entre le PDA et le téléphone). Il comporte (...)

Thinking Of You par ATC ()

Thinking Of You Video par ATC Ajouté le: 2009-05-31

Polyominos ()

Solve the new tricky number puzzle. No brooding over questions of knowledge, no mathematical magic, logical thinking alone helps to assign the numbers and leads to success. See in game.

Cool Balls ()

Cool Balls is a nice addictive puzzle game for children and adults. It develops thinking, prospective view and helps to spend your time with pleasure. The purpose of the game is to remove all balls from the field. A ball can jump over one ball (it will disappear) in case the next cell is free. If only one ball is left you are the winner. There are ninety levels and each level is more complicated than previous one.

Assembler 4 ()

The fourth version of Assembler – A physics based puzzle game in which you assemble shapes. Assembler is a game in which you use the mouse to arrange a set of shapes in a configuration so that the green key shape(s) are inside their respective zones. To get it right, the key shape(s) have to be supported completely by the other shapes, with the mouse released. You are given a score based on how long it took to complete each level, and how many times you had to click. Assembler combines both relaxation and spatial thinking in an easy to pick up and play game. Use the mouse to pick up and place shapes in order to get the green key shape(s) in the right spot.

Arcade Lines Online... ()

Click/Drag balls of the same color so that 5 line up horizontally, vertically or diagonally to make them disappear. Use powerups. Arcade Lines is an extremely addictive puzzle game using brilliant graphics, pulsating music and a great variety of different game modes. It is very easy to learn. Try to prevent the board from filling by forming rows of 5 or more pieces of the same color. Also great for the kids, keeping them amused while developing strategic thinking.

Thinking Blogger Award de Sahten ()

Sahten a reçu un Thinking Blogger Award  de la part de mon adorée Brigitte de Café creole, une femme généreuse et vraie, comme sa cuisine d'ailleurs.

Thinking Machine 4... ()

Play chess online. Thinking Machine 4 explores the invisible, elusive nature of thought. Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you.

Luckystar GAME-18 et GAME-68... ()

Luckystar était présent au CeBit et proposait plusieurs PMP dont les GAME-18 et GAME-68. Le GAME-18 au design très console de jeu, embarque jusqu'à 2Go de mémoire flash et un écran TFT LCD...

The Thinking Machine rocking chair... ()

Avec son design qui n'est pas sans rappeler la RAR (Rocking Armchair Rod) de Charles Ray Eames, The Thinking Machine est une très élégante rocking chair remise au goût du jour par Eduardo Baroni. Le design est sobre et la...

Snake ()

When I think of snake, I'm thinking Nokia. The time when the Nokia phone was the best and only cell phone. It's simple, it's snake. Use your mouse to start the game and the arrow keys to move the snake.

[game title]... ()

[game description] __ [instructions]

Hagefade Pong... ()

A classic game of skill. Even though this game was one of the first few computer games made, it can be addicting. A fun quick game that I hope you enjoy. See In-Game

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