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Blocks 1.4

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Blocks 1.4 ()

Clone de Tetris

Tetris (Miniclip)... ()

Tetris, Arcade Games, Classic video games... This is the first of the Tetris game series, made by Miniclip. In this version the bomb block is added where you can cut through the other blocks. By far on of the most fun of the Tetris games. Here is the most played Tetris game on the internet. All of these Tetris games are high addictive therefore you'll find yourself playing all of our Tetris games for hours. Play these online Tetris games till you conquer Tetris!

Gelly Tetris... ()

A colorfull, clean and shiny version of Tetris. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the falling blocks, the up arrow key to to make the blocks fall faster and the down key to rotate them.

Tetra Block Factory... ()

You are Sergey and you are hardly working for an extremely low eCPM in the Tetra Block Factory, Production Department, 3rd night shift. Your job is to continuously detect and fix defective tetra-blocks which will be delivered to the Tetris game. How much blocks can you fix before you make a mistake? Remember, the blocks are getting more and more defective and you only have the one chance ! Use your mouse to select and fix all defective blocks before they fall out of the conveyor belt.

TetrisDefence ()

Tetris Tower Defence 1. Build a Maze with the given Blocks (don't worry u'll get more during the Game) 2. Build some Towers 3. Start Waves 4. You loose if the Creeps(Singleblocks) build a line from the end to the startpoint - U can't block their way - U only can build Towers ontop of the Blocks - rotate Blocks with arrowkeys (left/right) - deselct with d

FG Tetris... ()

FG Tetris is a classic Tetris clone. Try to remove as many lines as you can. You can controle the blox with the arrow keys. Use the arrow keys to control the blox

Stackle ()

Tetris meets Jenga! Stack as many blocks on top of the tower as you can without making the whole thing topple! Stack blocks on top of the tower by clicking on the block you want to move.

Driller ()

How deep can you drill' Drill down through the blocks while trying to avoid running out of air or getting crushed. This Mr. Driller clone, created in Flash is a decent version of the original game by Namco. The object of the game is to drill your way down to the bottom level as far as you can without running out of oxygen or being crushed by falling blocks. The level of difficulty determines how many rows of blocks you have to drill down through. The blocks of the same color bind together, you get more points for clearing out large groups of blocks of the same color. Brown blocks can be destroyed by drilling at least four times and while doing so can steal some oxygen from you! Air capsules are randomly spaced throughout to provide replenishing your supply. Controls: Use the arrow keys to control the driller. Press Space Bar to drill.

Pootris ()

It's toilet time and you're about to explode. Unfortunately having a dump is no longer as convenient as it once was. Your objective is to get the pipes from the toilet to connect to the sewer or you could experience some seriously smelly overflow. This is a hybrid of the classic games pipedream and tetris. Enjoy! See in-game for power-up and bonus details. Controls: Left and right arrow keys to move blocks left and right. Up arrow key to rotate the blocks. Down arrow key to drop the blocks. Mouse click to select and use powerups.

Rainbow Block ()

Destroy the blocks before they hit the top of the screen! To destroy blocks, you have to drop your block to destroy them. Only the blocks that match your block will be destroyed. If the blocks are different, then the blocks will be swapped. Speed level will increase when you have added enough lines of blocks. Higher speed level means faster blocks' generation speed. If your block can't destroy any blocks, try to find blocks that appear on the top of 2 or more columns. Then use them to destroy blocks. You can get more points if you destroy more than 1 block at the same time.

Hexa Puzzle game... ()

Hexa is a clone of Sega column, an exciting puzzle game, a bit like Tetris, but different enough. Press SPACE to insert coin, ENTER to start a game. Then start matching 3 jewels or more !!! Play X to rotate the jewels, V to get a special bonus, and arrow keys to move the blocks. More help and controls inside the game using the button.


Help cheer up the sad blocks in this frustratingly simple puzzler. The blocks can either be red or white. Your job is to turn all the blocks red. When you click a block, it, and the four adjoining blocks will change colour. After every four clicks, the squares will evolve based on the surrounding blocks. Turn all the blocks red using as few clicks as possible!

Brilliant Blocks ()

Think quick and drop the blocks to match either numbers or colors in this fun puzzle game with an interesting twist. Use the mouse to drop blocks. Clear blocks by matching lines of 3 or more numbers or colors either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Clear the blocks until they are under the white line to receive more blocks, more time and higher scores.

Tris bientôt rayé de la carte... ()

Vite vite, dirigez vous prompto vers l'AppStore et allez y télécharger Tris ! Ce clone de Tetris pour iPhone/iPod touch, au demeurant fort bien réalisé, ne devrait hélas pas tarder à disparaître sous le coup d'une injonction de la Tetris Company, qui n'apprécie guère qu'un indépendant propose gratos un clone du jeu bien connu. Le développeur à l'origine de l'application n'ayant pas les moyens d'une guérilla juridique, il retirera son jeu ce mercredi. Alors hop, tous sur l'AppStore (...) - Logiciel

Speed... ()

Speed is a fast paced puzzle game in which you must move blocks quickly and precisely in order to solve the level before you crash into it. Quickly move blocks out of the way before you crash into them. Don't die. Blue blocks move normally, Pink blocks don't move, Green blocks move in pairs, and Arrow blocks only move the direction they are pointing.

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