Actualités Multimédia > Annonce de Freaks! Slammin' Traffic

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Annonce de Freaks! Slammin' Traffic

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet :

Annonce de Freaks! Slammin' Traffic... ()

En provenance d'un petit studio français, Coyote Software, voici une nouvelle variante à peine masquée autour des courses débridées de Satanas et Diabolo. Avec une vue de dos assez aérienne qui fait penser à Funtracks ou au récent Micromachines V4, c(...)

Traffic Director... ()

Traffic Jam is a puzzle game where you must control the flow of traffic, sending cars in the correct direction to get a high score!

Cruising in our cities ()

If you drive a car in many European cities, I bet you're not always happy to see the traffic lights stopping you. And you're not alone: environmentalists agree with you -- but for other reasons. As traffic flows account for about one-third of global energy consumption, better control systems for traffic lights could reduce harmful CO2 emissions. Now, German researchers have developed a self-organized control system for traffic lights that could improve vehicular traffic flow by up to 95 percent. They even patented their combination of two strategies leading to this better control system for traffic lights. But read more...

The traffic jam mystery finally solved... ()

When you're caught in a traffic jam, you probably don't know why. Is there an accident ahead of you' In most of the cases, the answer is no. And all the electronic devices installed in your car can't help you. You're stuck for a while -- until the traffic gradually improves. Now, European mathematicians have solved the traffic jam mystery. The mathematical model they've developed shows that traffic jams are mostly caused by a single driver who brakes too much when faced to an unexpected event. Of course, the driver behind him also slows down, and so does the next one, until the road is totally blocked. But read more...

GPS : Becker annonce son PND Traffic Assist 7927... ()

Becker annonce à l'occasion du salon IFA 2007 le PND Becker Traffic Assist 7927, aux lignes sobres et avec fonctionnalités multimédia.

Trafic de perroquets... ()

De nombreuses histoires le prouvent : le trafic d'animaux exotiques est si lucratif que les contrebandiers feraient vraiment n'importe quoi pour en faire rentrer en fraude dans leur pays. en lire plus

Links for 2009-02-13 [] ()

GraphBuzz | Compare Site Traffic Graphs GraphBuzz is a tool for checking traffic and trend graphs for upto five domains where you can compare Alexa, Compete, Quantcast and Technorati website traffic graphs.

Les freaks, c'est chic ()

Freakangels est un nouveau webcomic hebdomadaire scénarisé par rien moins que Warren Ellis . Ce n'est sans doute pas anodin de voir un scénariste aussi réputé et bankable (il devrait très prochainement hériter du principal titre x-men à la...Lire la suite | 0 commentaire

Cellphones to monitor highway traffic... ()

On February 8, 2008, about 100 UC Berkeley students will participate in the Mobile Century experiment, using GPS mobile phones as traffic sensors. During the whole day, these students carrying the GPS-equipped Nokia N95 will drive along a 10-mile stretch of I-880 between Hayward and Fremont, California. 'The phones will store the vehicles' speed and position information every 3 seconds. These measurements will be sent wirelessly to a server for real-time processing.' As more and more cellphones are GPS-equipped, the traffic engineering community, which currently monitors traffic using mostly fixed sensors such as cameras and loop detectors, is tempted to use our phones to get real-time information about traffic. But read more...

traffic web... ()

Bonjour, A quoi correspond 10 GO où 20 GO/mois en traffic approximativement ?? combien de vues et de visites ? Merci Forum Administration d'un site Web

Links for 2009-02-13 [] ()

GraphBuzz | Compare Site Traffic Graphs GraphBuzz is a tool for checking traffic and trend graphs for upto five domains where you can compare Alexa, Compete, Quantcast and Technorati website traffic graphs.

Stage Traffic Manager... ()

Intitulé du Poste:   STAGE TRAFFIC MANAGER Société & Description de l’entreprise:   Publicité / le premier féminin intéractif Description du poste:   Organisation rigueur dynamisme autonomie et une bonne connaissance de l'internet, vous vous identifiez ? rejoignez notre pôle Traffic ! Missions : - Assurer la réception et la validation des éléments techniques, la mise [...]


Roissy, Amstelveen April 7th, 2008N° 5387MARCH 2008 TRAFFICPassenger- 3.2% rise in traffic with a load factor of 81.0% (-1.3 points)- Further increase in...

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