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[News] Food Force

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet :

SOCIETE: Le PAM lance le jeu vidéo "Food Force"... ()

Sensibiliser les enfants à la lutte contre la faim dans le monde, tel est l'objectif du jeu vidéo éducatif international, "Food Force", dont la version française et gratuite est lancée ce dimanche par le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM).

Urban food deserts in major cities ()

Canadian researchers at the University of Western Ontario have studied the evolution of food deserts in urban areas. Food deserts are areas where people have low or no access to food shops. In other words, they are neighborhoods with low average home incomes and poor access to healthy food. As said the lead researcher, 'Poor people with no car can be severely adversely affected by living in food deserts and are more likely to suffer from bad health and low quality of life with diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.' But what is the major cause of food desertification? Supermarkets, because they are built in new suburbs while smaller food shops are disappearing from city centers. But read more...

Tout savoir sur le régime Raw Food... ()

 Le régime raw food ou régime crudivore préconise de manger des aliments crus d'origine végétale, sans cuisson et sans transformation. Quels sont les bienfaits du régime raw food, que peut-on manger, est-ce facile à suivre ? Faisons le point.Tout savoir sur le régime Raw Food

Montreal police defend food public contract... ()

Won by sole bidder, firm pays no royalties or rent to run cafeteria. When Montreal police put out a call to find a food and catering provider to run the cafeteria at their headquarters this summer, only one company served up an offer. While the cash-strapped force cut dozens of temporary officers, left 60 permanent positions [...]

Jamie's Ministry of Food - Anyone Can Learn to Cook in 24 Hours - Jamie OliverJamie's Ministry of Food - Anyone Can Lear... ()

Author : Jamie Oliver The aim of this book is to completely inspire people who have no interest in food to have a go Jamie Oliver. Sixty years ago food was in short supply and malnutrition rates were high. The Ministry of Food was set up to teach the public how to make the best use of the food available to them. Fast forward to the present day, where we have unlimited choices and plenty of food, yet we're living in a world of junk food, additives and preservatives. Our war is now against obesity, as most people have little or no idea about how to cook and what makes a balanced diet. We need to learn from the past. We need to look back at the way our grandmothers and great-grandmothers cooked – wholesome, tasty food that was simple and quick to prepare. If you're a complete beginner in the kitchen, Jamie's promise to you is that you'll be making some great dinners within hours of reading his book. A little knowledge and a few basic tools can go a long way, and this book is your first step . . . ED: Penguin (10/2008), 20x25.5 cm, 357 pages, hardback

Bob : le système informatique chef de fast-food !... ()

La chaîne de fast-food américaine portant l'enseigne Zaxby's vient de faire une singulière acquisition. Elle a embauché HyperActive Bob, un gérant de fast-food informatique qui donne des ordres aux...

Sue Chinese Food ()

Sue Chinese Food

Multiplayer Snake ()

An online massively multiplayer snake / nibbles game. Eat the food before another Snake eat it ! It's a food competition against the others Snakes (worms). And just like real food-eating snakes, the more you gobble, the fatter you become. And don't try to eat the walls... they give you a headache.

Fast Food Nation ()

 Don Henderson a un vrai problème. Il est responsable marketing de la chaîne des Mickey's Fast Food Restaurants, et de la viande contaminée a été découverte dans les stocks de steaks surgelés du fameux Big One, le hamburger vedette de la marque. Quittant ses confortables bureaux de Californie du Sud, il va découvrir les abattoirs et leurs employés immigrés, les élevages surpeuplés et les centres commerciaux de l'Amérique profonde et que ce sont les consommateurs qui se font bouffer par l'industrie du fast food et non l'inverse !

The Junk-Food Trap: An International Epidemic... ()

I steadfastly write about one of my major pet peeves: marketing junk food to children who are extraordinarily susceptible to the health-hazardous messages companies download into their brains. It's not a purely American phenomenon. A new investigation by Consumers International (CI), a global federation of consumer organizations, reveals the extensive lengths to which food and [...]

Pac Man Advanced ()

Use the arrow keys to control pac man to eat all the food in the maze. When you have eaten the red food, you can eat the ghosts as well. But before that, you have to escape from the them otherwise they will eat you!

Fast Food Delivery ()

Fast Food Deliveryn n n n Fast Food Delivery, jeu de fille où tu es caissière dans un fast [...] Voir la suite de l'article sur Actualité blog

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