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Why are we working on Mozilla, after all?

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet :

Mozilla is looking for a Community Marketing Manager in Europe... ()

My colleague Jane Finette just posted fantastic news over at her blog: Mozilla is looking for a Community marketing manager for Europe. Reporting to the Director of European Marketing, the European Community Marketing Manager will be responsible for developing and supporting Mozilla?s open source communities throughout Europe, whilst enabling and assisting communities to promote and spread Mozilla products and vision. Collaborating as part of a global marketing team and working directly with local communities across Europe, primary responsibilities will include defining and implementing regional community campaigns and activities, market research, and day-to-day efforts in order to support community growth and effectiveness. (read the entire job description) The location is flexible (provided that you're based in Europe, that is ;-), but I'm all in favor of having someone based in Paris, with most other people being there. But Jane herself is based in London and we also have offices in Copenhagen, or you could work from home. If you are interested in working for Mozilla, doing marketing and community stuff, then head right now for the full job description and follow the instructions!

Rendre le Web accessible à tous ()

Trois jours après la publication d'un nouveau Working Draft des WCAG 2.0, le W3C annonçait avant-hier la publication du Last Call Working Draft des ATAG 2.0. Pour information, le Working Draft des...

Commit access on Mozilla repositories... ()

After 5 years of Mozilla hacking, and some patches accepted and landed into the Mozilla trunk, I finally asked yesterday an access to commit on Mercurial repositories of Mozilla. And this request has been granted ! Youhouuu ! For me, it's a sort of gratefulness from the other contributors :-) Thank you Mozilla !

Mozilla Thunderbird en breton... ()

[An Drouizig] Compagnon idéal de Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird est un client de messagerie libre distribué par la Fondation Mozilla et issu du projet Mozilla. Ce projet, uniquement dédié au courrier électronique, aux groupes de discussion et aux flux RSS et Atom, se veut

Two jobs openings at Mozilla!... ()

As Mozilla is focusing on technology and products with more frequent releases ?Firefox 3.6 and 3.7, Firefox for Maemo and Thunderbird 3.x are coming soon! ? but something different and not product-related is going to take place in 2010. It's called Mozilla Drumbeat. I'll shamelessly steal a piece of the drumbeat Wiki to explain what Drumbeat is about[1] : Long Term Vision: make sure the internet is still open, participatory, decentralized and public 100 years from now. Mission: build community of people who create tools that help others understand, participate and take control of their internet lives. Approach: website and local events gather people actively involved in creating a better internet. Annual Drumbeat Festival as major convening point. The reason why I blog about Drumbeat today is that there are 2 positions open, one in Paris (France) and one in Mountain View (California). Should you be interested in working full time on Drumbeat, head over to Mozilla Drumbeat - Open Web Project Producer in order to see if you could fit! (If not, there are other open positions listed on the Mozilla career site). Notes [1] Mark Surman has a great presentation about Mozilla Drumbeat.

Mozilla turns 10 today... ()

On March 31st, 1998, Mozilla' code was made Open Source on Mitchell has the scoop. The Mozilla team in Paris had champagne thanks to this anniversary! (Moving to new offices today and getting a new theme are also good excuses...)

Jet Multimédia assure 2 ans d'hébergement à Mozilla Europe... ()

MozillaZine-fr publie : La filiale européenne de la fondation Mozilla, l'association Mozilla Europe qui s'occupe de la promotion des produits Mozilla sur le Vieux Continent, a conclu un...

EU-wide Tender Law Not Working for Municipalities... ()

Municipalities in Finland are finding that new tendering legislation designed to promote cross-border trade in the EU may not be working as planned. Last year, new EU-driven legislation was introduced, requiring municipalities to tender across the EU for projects costing more than 130,000 Euros. However, they have found that few offers come from abroad, and [...]ShareThis

Etna progress 20070313 ()

Between two customer projects, I'm working on Etna. The future version, Etna 0.4, will be based on Gecko 1.9/Xulrunner 1.9. Each day, I synchronize the source code of Etna with the Mozilla trunk. Here...

Sauvegardez vos paramètres Mozilla... ()

Faire des backup est toujours important, on ne sait jamais ce qui peut arriver (mon disque dur à failli planter cet été…). MozBackup est un petit utilitaire qui va simplifier vos opérations de backup des paramètres de vos applications Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Mozilla Suite et Netscape). Cet outil va ainsi vous sauvegarder vos [...]

Traduction de "These levers were used, but are in perfectly working condition. Only scratched..."... ()

Traduction anglais-français de : These levers were used, but are in perfectly working condition. Only scratched from crash, but once again, working like new. All cables and cable housing included. The best just got better.

Etna progress 20070313 ()

Between two customer projects, I'm working on Etna. The future version, Etna 0.4, will be based on Gecko 1.9/Xulrunner 1.9. Each day, I synchronize the source code of Etna with the Mozilla trunk. Here are some bug fixes and improvements since few months: Almost all the regression bugs which...

Mozilla Reporter... ()

Le top 25 des sites web fonctionnant mal sous Mozilla Firefox et signalés sur Mozilla Reporter.

Mozilla Foundation crée Mozilla Corporation... ()

Voici un pas risqué que viennent de franchir les responsables de la Fondation Mozilla. Leurs deux projets les plus populaires, Firefox et Thunderbird, viennent en effet d'être transférés vers une nouvelle entité commerciale, la Mozilla Corporation.

Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2... ()

Mozilla Thunderbird est désormais disponible dans sa version 1.0.2 ! Elle n'est pas encore disponible en français, mais ça ne saurait tarder. Pour rappel, Mozilla Thunderbird est le client mail de la suite Mozilla. Changements : l'amélioration...

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