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Systeme impression CUPS

 Dans l'actualité

  • Le systeme d impression CUPS rachete par Apple
    CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) est un systeme d impression communement utilise par les systemes d exploitation Unix ainsi que par Mac OS X depuis la version 10.2. Il permet a n importe quel ordina[...]
  • Apple acquiert CUPS
    Cupertino a racheté CUPS et a engagé son créateur.[...]
  • HP dévoile un nouveau système d'impression jet d'encre
  • Une Nissan pour les paranoiaques
    Avec toutes ses caméras et capteurs, le système de Nissan nommé “Around View Monitor” vous donnera l’impression d’être un véritable chef de sécurité au volant de votre voiture.[...]
  • Foot - Nancy : Gunnarsson fait forte impression
    Arrivé vendredi soir à Nancy, l’attaquant international islandais Veigar Pall Gunnarsson a fait forte impression lundi pour son premier entraînement avec ballon. Gunnarsson a notamment marqué les espr[...]
  • Apple achète CUPS
    Michael R Sweet, le créateur de CUPS, a fait savoir sur son site qu'Apple avait acquis CUPS et l'avait engagé à son service en Février 2007. CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) est le système d'impr...
  • Snap Cups !
    Coup de c'ur pour une création de Angela Schwab du studio INV/ALT Design (INVention ALTeration Design) : les Snap Cups !...
  • Mancala (Facebook)
    Play Mancala against the computer. This is the ancient game of Mancala, the object of this game is to collect as many gems in your mancala (the large cup on the right) as possible. You and your opponent will take turns to move the gems, each time you want to move the gems, you need to pick up a cup on your side. And then you will take out all the gems in that cup and then distribute them to the next cups in the anti clockwise direction, one by one. If the last gem lands on your mancala, then you can pick another cup and move again. If the last gem lands on an empty cup on your side and the opposite cup has some gems in it, then you can capture all the gems in the two cups and put them into you mancala. The game ends when all the cups on your side or your opponent's side are empty. The remaining gems on a player's side will be counted as the gems of that player.
  • Le système Continuous Feed 4-over-1 de Xerox associe la puissance de la couleur avec les avantages financiers du noir et
    Conçu pour réaliser des travaux d'impression de production, le nouveau système haut volume Xerox Continuous Feed 4-over-1 combine les bénéfices de l'impression couleur avec les avantages financiers de l'impression en noir et blanc.
  • Mancala
    Mancala games play a role in many African and some Asian societies comparable to that of chess in the West. The word mancala comes from the Arabic word naqala meaning literally to move. Enjoy this cultured game! The objective of this game is to collect as many gems in your mancala (the large cup on the Right) as possible. You and your opponent will take turns to move the gems, each time you want to move the gems, you need to pick up a cup on your side. And then you will take out all the gems in that cup and then distribute them to the next cups in the anti clockwise direction, one by one. If the last gem lands on your mancala, then you can pick another cup and move again. If the last gem lands on an empty cup on your side and the opposite cup has some gems in it, then you can capture all the gems in the two cups and put them into your mancala. The game ends when all the cups on your side or your opponent`s side are empty. The remaining gems on a player`s side will be counted as the gems of that player. Good luck!
  • New protective cups for sportsmen
    As Popular Science reports in 'The Cup Stops Here,' 'the most important piece of male athletic gear, the protective cup, hasn't changed much over the years.' After looking at a bunch of protective cups available from $8 to $25, the reporter thinks he has found the winner. The NuttyBuddy™ has been invented by Mark Littell, a former MLB pitcher. It is made of Lexan, a polycarbonate resin, and you can buy it for $19.95. And it is available in 4 sizes, 'Mongo' (XL), 'The Hog' (L), 'The Boss' (Juniors/small) and 'The Hammer' (youth). But read more...

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