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Nouvelle-Zélande : le prix des raisins pourrait à nouveau baisser

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet :

La SolOcéane fera escale à Wellington... ()

C'est vendredi vers 16h30 que Madame Helen Clark, Premier Ministre de Nouvelle-Zélande, a révélé aux côtés de Son Excellence Sarah Dennis, Ambassadeur de Nouvelle-Zélande en France, que le port d'escale néo-zélandais de la première course autour du monde en solitaire à armes égales sera la capitale de Nouvelle-Zélande

Bostik en fin de semaine à Wellington... ()

Ici à Wellington, capitale de la Nouvelle-Zélande mais également capitale des Quarantièmes Rugissants par 41° de latitude sud, les préparatifs d'accueil du monotype Veolia Oceans® Bostik se précisent entre SailingOne, les équipes de Bostik New Zealand, celles de la Mairie de Wellington et du Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club. L'accueil néo-zélandais promet d'être chaleureux ! Charles Caudrelier et Liz Wardley vont en effet atteindre le but de la première étape du Tour du monde de Reconnaissance de la SolOcéane, probablement jeudi en fin de journée, après un net ralentissement durant le week-end dernier en raison d'une météo très clémente pour la saison au sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Zélande.

Danone : cession en Nouvelle Zélande... ()

Danone annonce vendredi la cession du fabricant néo-zélandais de biscuits et snacks salés Griffins Foods à Pacific Equity Partners pour 385 millions de dollars néo-zélandais, soit 194 millions d'?. Avec un chiffre d'affaires de 176 millions $ néo-zélandais (89 millions...

Envolez-vous avec Air New Zealand !... ()

Partez à la découverte de la Nouvelle Zélande avec la seule compagnie qui fait le tour du monde ! Profitez également du réseau étendu d' Air New Zealand , pour découvrir quelques destinations comme Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Nouméa, l'Australie, les Iles du Pacifique ... Réservez vite...

Envolez-vous avec Air New Zealand !... ()

Partez à la découverte de la Nouvelle Zélande avec la seule compagnie qui fait le tour du monde ! Profitez également du réseau étendu d' Air New Zealand , pour découvrir quelques destinations comme Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Nouméa, l'Australie, les Iles du Pacifique ... Réservez vite...

Rugby - Nouvelle-Zélande : Williams blessé... ()

Le deuxième ligne néo-zélandais Ali Williams, sorti à la trentième minute du deuxième test contre la France, pourrait souffrir d’une fracture de la mâchoire.

Trophée Jules Verne : Chavirage au large de la Nouvelle-Zélande... ()

Alors qu'il naviguait au large de la Nouvelle Zélande, Groupama 3 a chaviré suite à la rupture du flotteur bâbord. Les dix hommes ont été très rapidement hélitreuillés par les secours néo-zélandais et rapatriés à Dunedin (île du Sud). Ils mettent désormais tout en oeuvre pour récupérer Groupama 3 dès que les conditions sur zone s'amélioreront.

Bio-dynamic agriculture, how to apply it in the vineyardBio-dynamic agriculture, how to apply it in the vineyard... ()

Auteur : François Bouchet It was on the land, after fifty years of experience and teaching, that François Bouchet acquired sufficient mastery of bio-dynamics to write this practical and inspiring book steeped in bath pragmatism and intuition. The author was first and foremost a farmer. He expresses himself in terms that are concrete and tangible. His account of the successive errors that have led wine-growing to the edge of the abyss is irrevocable; his diagnosis is assured and his vision of the remedies is clear and convincing. But François Bouchet is also a poet, eager to share his feeling for the magic of this world, whether it be animal, vegetable, mineral or sidereal. His book is also a manual. It contains, in rigorous and meticulous detail, a collection of recipes of aH the preparations that make up the pharmacopoeia of the bio-dynamic wine-grower and gardener. And that in itself is revolutionary, as these details have never been so clearly explained. Viticulturist and teacher François Bouchet founded a consulting firm which has helped hundreds of wine estates in France and elsewhere in Europe convert to bio-dynamics. A wine-grower himself, Bouchet began by converting his own family estate in 1962; since then, his activities have been inseparable from the history of bio-dynamic wine-growing. He was an advisor at Demeter (the ecological association supporting Rudolf Steiner’s bio-dynamic method) and helped create the Union of Bio-dynamic Farmers. He passed away in De...

Top 10 Wines: Australia & New ZealandTop 10 Wines: Australia & New Zealand... ()

Author : Vincent Gasnier What's the pick of the New Zealand reds' Go from novice to knowledgeable with this easy-to-use, pocket-sized guide Introduction Discover the top wines of today with this handy guide. Top 10 lists provide instant, practical advice to help you make selections – from the 10 best wines for laying down, to the greatest reds, tastiest whites, organics and dessert wines, or the 10 best-kept secrets. Drink in advice on tipples from reading wine labels, to buying, storing and matching wine to food. Plus, there’s a comprehensive look at the major winegrowing areas, from Queensland to Victoria and North to South Islands, to the best producers and wine styles in each area. ED: Dorling Kindersley (Oct 2006), 10x19 cm, 160 pages, Paperback

Top 10 Wines: Australia & New ZealandTop 10 Wines: Australia & New Zealand... ()

Author : Vincent Gasnier What's the pick of the New Zealand reds' Go from novice to knowledgeable with this easy-to-use, pocket-sized guide Introduction Discover the top wines of today with this handy guide. Top 10 lists provide instant, practical advice to help you make selections – from the 10 best wines for laying down, to the greatest reds, tastiest whites, organics and dessert wines, or the 10 best-kept secrets. Drink in advice on tipples from reading wine labels, to buying, storing and matching wine to food. Plus, there’s a comprehensive look at the major winegrowing areas, from Queensland to Victoria and North to South Islands, to the best producers and wine styles in each area. ED: Dorling Kindersley (Oct 2006), 10x19 cm, 160 pages, Paperback

Top 10 Wines: Australia & New ZealandTop 10 Wines: Australia & New Zealand... ()

Author : Vincent Gasnier What's the pick of the New Zealand reds' Go from novice to knowledgeable with this easy-to-use, pocket-sized guide Introduction Discover the top wines of today with this handy guide. Top 10 lists provide instant, practical advice to help you make selections – from the 10 best wines for laying down, to the greatest reds, tastiest whites, organics and dessert wines, or the 10 best-kept secrets. Drink in advice on tipples from reading wine labels, to buying, storing and matching wine to food. Plus, there’s a comprehensive look at the major winegrowing areas, from Queensland to Victoria and North to South Islands, to the best producers and wine styles in each area. ED: Dorling Kindersley (Oct 2006), 10x19 cm, 160 pages, Paperback

Top 10 Wines: Australia & New ZealandTop 10 Wines: Australia & New Zealand... ()

Author : Vincent Gasnier What's the pick of the New Zealand reds' Go from novice to knowledgeable with this easy-to-use, pocket-sized guide Introduction Discover the top wines of today with this handy guide. Top 10 lists provide instant, practical advice to help you make selections – from the 10 best wines for laying down, to the greatest reds, tastiest whites, organics and dessert wines, or the 10 best-kept secrets. Drink in advice on tipples from reading wine labels, to buying, storing and matching wine to food. Plus, there’s a comprehensive look at the major winegrowing areas, from Queensland to Victoria and North to South Islands, to the best producers and wine styles in each area. ED: Dorling Kindersley (Oct 2006), 10x19 cm, 160 pages, Paperback

Top 10 Wines: Australia & New ZealandTop 10 Wines: Australia & New Zealand... ()

Author : Vincent Gasnier What's the pick of the New Zealand reds' Go from novice to knowledgeable with this easy-to-use, pocket-sized guide Introduction Discover the top wines of today with this handy guide. Top 10 lists provide instant, practical advice to help you make selections – from the 10 best wines for laying down, to the greatest reds, tastiest whites, organics and dessert wines, or the 10 best-kept secrets. Drink in advice on tipples from reading wine labels, to buying, storing and matching wine to food. Plus, there’s a comprehensive look at the major winegrowing areas, from Queensland to Victoria and North to South Islands, to the best producers and wine styles in each area. ED: Dorling Kindersley (Oct 2006), 10x19 cm, 160 pages, Paperback

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