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Sources partie 3

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Reverse Diabetes Naturally... ()

by BevsgirlFrustrated not knowing where to turn for answers, about how to stop your diabetes!Tired of fluctuating blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure readings'Fed up with daily insulin injections and finger pricks'Concerned with not being able to lose weight, which the medicine seems to put on and keep on?Want to be able to eat whatever you want, without worries that it will elevate your blood sugars'Do you find it hard for you to heal after an injury or infection?There are millions of people, with diabetes looking for answers to these questions.Here is the thing. Diabetes is no walk in the part. Doctors have learned that our blood needs sufficient mineral consumption to survive. Your pancreas is not able to produce, the insulin that your body needs to function. If these minerals are not supplied by our diet, our body is forced to take from, other body fluids to give to our blood. This in turn, causes the fluids that have been removed from the body to become acidic, therefore anaerobic. Diabetes is a disease that affects the body's natural ability to breakdown carbohydrates and sugars properly. There is no known cause or cure for diabetes.Types Of Diabetes:Type 1- the immune system attacks cells in the body, resulting in a complete insulin hormone deficiency. Once was known as juvenile diabetes.Type 2- is the most common form of diabetes. These people can produce insulin. They either do not produce enough insulin or their body does not recognize or use it right. They...

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  • Sources 2
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    Fruit and vegetable consumption in the prevention of cancer : an update, Terry P et al., 2001. Diet and cancer, Willett WC, 2000. Physical activity and cancer risk, Hardman AE, 2001. Prostate cancer a[...]
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