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AIG African Infrastructure Fund

 Dans l'actualité

  • SIPH : AIG African Infrastructure Fund ne détient plus de titres
    Franchissement de seuil[...]
  • African Safari Club ne vole plus sur sa compagnie
    African Safari Club ne vole plus entre Bâle-Mulhouse et Mombasa ni entre Paris et Mombasa sur la compagnie aérienne maison African Safari Airways.[...]
  • AMD détenu à plus de 22% par Growth Fund of America
    Un rapport de la SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) indique que le fonds d?investissement Growth Fund of America détient plus de 22% du capital d?AMD.[...]
  • Pro D2 - SUA : Fund out deux mois
    Selon La Dépêche du Midi, le jeune ailier agenais Jonathan Fund ne pourra pas jouer pendant deux mois. Il est touché à un genou.[...]
  • La Libre a accueilli les lauréats des Fund Awards
    Mercredi soir, dans les locaux de “La Libre Belgique”, les prix de l'édition 2007 des “Fund Awards” ont été remis aux gestionnaires de fonds qui se sont distingués en dégageant les rendements les plus[...]
  • infrastructure - Les services informatiques selon Itil
    Selon les éditeurs de logiciels de gestion de l'infrastructure, les meilleures pratiques Itil garantissent disponibilité des outils et qualité de service.[...]
  • Vacancy Announcements
    The African Union, established as a unique Pan-African Continental body, is charged with spearheading Africa's rapid integration and sustainable development by promoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the people of Africa and African States as well as developing a new partnership worldwide. Its headquarters is in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia. Article 44 of the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community (Abuja Treaty) and Article 19 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union respectively underscore the need for the “establishment of an African Monetary Union through the harmonization of monetary zones” and “creation of the three African financial institutions, namely the African Central Bank (ACB), the African Monetary Fund (AMF) and the African Investment Bank (AIB).” Within the framework of the creation of the African Central Bank (ACB) and the African Monetary Fund (AMF), Steering Committees are to be set up to carry out the preparatory work ahead of the establishment of these Institutions.
  • Afrique: Boolell propose la création d'un African Stability Fund au G20
    Le ministre des Affaires étrangères a déclaré aux diplomates présents que Maurice avait soumis un document au G20 au sujet de la mise sur pied d'un African Stability Fund. Un dossier qui a été présenté par le ministre des Finances sud-africain En d'autres mots, ce débriefing est aussi une occasion pour Maurice de transmettre ses doléances à plusieurs gouvernements et aussi de faire entendre sa voix. Arvind Boolell expose ses idées aux différents diplomates qui les transmettront à leurs gouvernements.
  • Boralex achète trois parcs éoliens en Europe
    Le producteur d'électricité et le Cube Infrastructure Fund, mettent la main sur trois parcs européens en France pour 115 M$. (PC)
  • Reactive: Madagascar- Roots of Turmoil with Stephen Ellis
    (0h09m26s) Richard Dowden, Director, Royal African Society Hosted by the Frontline Club in association with the Royal African Society Widespread refusal to recognise Andry Rajoelina as President of Madagascar and continued support for ousted leader Marc Ravalomanana means the island is likely to remain in turmoil for weeks to come. The army-backed takeover, which has been condemned as a coup by foreign powers including the United States and the African Union and the Southern African Development ... clip video
  • Chevron gives $30m to global health fund
    Chevron the US-based energy group, is to contribute $30m in cash over three years to the United Nations-backed Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria, in a pioneering move to lend direct corporate support to international health programmes. Along with money, the company will provide local assistance by its employees to Global Fund projects [...]
  • Rightists demand three bulgarian ministers to be dismissed
    Ministers Asen Gagauzov, Plamen Oresharski and Petar Mutafchiev should be dismissed immediately, rightist DSB party leader Ivan Kostov said. According to Kostov the three ministers, members of the board of the National Road Infrastructure Fund (NRIF), were aware and patronized the fraudulent practices in the fund. DSB also demanded Mutafchiev, Gagauzov and Oresharski to be [...]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: Rightists demand three bulgarian ministers to be dismissed, url: http://www.publictenders.be/rightists-demand-three-bulgarian-ministers-to-be-dismissed/ });

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