Actualités Multimédia > Disney Aladdin Chess Adventures annoncé

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Disney Aladdin Chess Adventures annoncé

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Voici une compilation des sources d'information sur ce sujet :

[News] Un nouvel Aladdin pour les petits... ()

Le 4 novembre prochain sortira sur PC un nouvel opus tiré des aventures d'Aladdin qui répondra au nom de Disney's Aladdin Chess Adventures. Destiné à un public mineur, celui-ci nous emmènera dans 12 lieux différents répartis dans 8 mondes. Comme le m(...)

Disney Aladdin Jigsaw Puzzle... ()

25 Piece Jigsaw of the Famous Disney Animated Movie Aladdin. Try to complete the puzzle as quickly as you can with or without the background picture to help.

Chess ()

Come2Play Chess let's you play against a rival from across the internets or invite a friend directly to your game. Get in on the Chess making fun. Use the mouse to control pieces. Standard Chess rules apply.

Random Chess... ()

Play multiplayer chess with randomized pieces! This variant of chess was invented by Bobby Fischer, a former world chess champion. The game is also known as Fischer random chess or chess960. Normal chess rules apply. In order to castle use the castling-buttons to the right of the board. The buttons are enabled when castling is possible.

Aladdin enters Portugal... ()

Portugal : security specialist Aladdin has acquired its historical distributor in Portugal, Futurmática, and changed it into its local subsidiary. Aladdin was working with Futurmática since 18 years....

Retrovision vol.7 saison 2 !... ()

Voici le nouveau Retrovision (7ème épisode / saison 2) avec au programme : Legend of Kyrandia 2 - PC CD Rom Metal Master - Atari ST Bare Knuckles 1 - Megadrive Battle Chess vs Battle Chess 4000 - Atari ST et PC Twin Bee Rainbow Bell Adventures - Super Famicom Starcade TV Donkey Kong - Colecovision 4 Flippers Mad Dog Mc Cree - Mega CD vs PC CD Rom Wayfarer - Spaceballs (demo Amiga) Cliquez ici pour visionner ce nouvel épisode !

Sécurité > Aladdin eSafe 6 : double protection spam/malveillance... ()

Aladdin Knowledge Systems, un spécialiste de l'authentification forte, de la gestion des droits numériques logiciels et de l...

Aladdin Knowledge Systems : 'Aladdin eSafe' a obtenu une note de 5 étoiles... ()

Aladdin Knowledge Systems, le leader en matière de sécurité des informations qui se spécialise dans l'authentification, les solutions de gestion des...

[TEST] Aladdin (Megadrive) ()

Il était grand, il était beau, il sentait bon le sable chaud... C'est le prince Ali bien sur ! Shenron nous propose aujourd'hui son premier test sur gamepedia, et pas des moindres puisqu'il s'agit de l'excellent Aladdin sur Megadrive !Cliquez ici pour lire le test d'Aladdin !

Disney : certaines séries gratuites sur le Web... ()

Disney avait déjà annoncé qu’il fournirait du contenu additionnel au logiciel de musique et désormais de vidéo...

Crazy Chess... ()

Chess comes to life, in this original, highly addictive real-time chess game. Play as the White Knight, engaged in a fierce battle of skill against the dreaded army of Black Pawns. Defend your castle against their merciless onslaught by moving in the knight's 'L' move to kill the pawns. But here's where it gets a gazillion times more exciting - it's not turn-based! Move your Knight as fast as you can, across the board, taking out the black pawns and halting their attack march towards your castle. There are also some really neat power-ups of speed, stealth, freeze and destruction to name a few. This is a game like no other - it's Crazy Chess! Use the MOUSE only to move the Knight, killing pawns using the traditional 'L' move, as fast as you can. Collect powerups to help you and gold coins to maximize your score.

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